귀농귀촌 정보를 검색해보세요!
농업정책자금 이차보전․신용보증 지원사업 추진계획
농업종합자금 융자에 따른 이차보전과 농업정책자금의 신용보증 지원으로 이자 부담을 경감시키고 대출 이용 확대로 농업 경쟁력을 제고하고 농가 소득증대 도모 |
Ⅰ | . | 이차보전 지원 |
농업종합자금 대출시 대출이자 3%의 일부(2%)를지원하여 농업인․농업법인의 이자 부담을 경감 |
가. 사업개요
○ 사업기간 : 2012. 1월 ~ 2012. 12월(대출실행 2012. 12. 31한)
○ 대출규모 : 43억원(도 1,000억원)
○ 이차보전액 : 61백만원(도 20억원)
○ 지원자금 : 농업종합자금(농협 시군지부 및 지역농협 대출)
○ 대상사업 : 원예특작․축산분야 재배․생산사업, 관광농원․농촌민박사업, 농기계보관창고사업, 농촌가공사업, 수출 및 규모화사업 등「농업종합자금」에서 지원하는 사업
※ ’12년부터 한․육우(젖소비육) 사육두수 과잉 해소 시까지 축사 신․개축 및 증축에 대한 대출이 제한(단, 축사 내부 시설 개보수, 퇴비장 등 외부시설은 대출가능)되나, 재축, 기존시설물 구입자금과 타 축종에 대한 시설자금 대출은 가능
○ 자금용도 : 시설자금, 개․보수자금, 운전자금, 농기계자금 등
나. 사업대상자
1) 지원대상
○ 농업인
○ 1년 이상의 사업실적이 있는 농업법인(영농조합법인, 농업회사법인)
○ 농촌가공사업자
○ 꿀․녹용가공사업자
○ 기타「수출 및 규모화사업자」등「농업종합자금」대출대상자
※ 지원제외 대상자(농업종합자금지원 제외대상자 기준 적용)
- 별도의 전업적 직업이 있는자(농협상근임직원, 공무원, 교사 등)
- 임대, 위탁 등 직접 영농에 종사하지 않는 자
- 신용관리대상자, 대출금 연체자 등 여신취급 제한 자 등
2) 우선 선정대상
○ 영세 농업인
- 일반농가 : 경작규모 2ha 이하
- 축산농가 : 소 30두 미만, 돼지 500두 미만, 닭 2만수 미만,
오리 3천수 미만
- 시설하우스 재배농가 : 시설면적 0.3ha 이하
○ 자본금 3억 원 이하의 농업법인
○ 친환경 농식품을 생산․유통하는 농업인․농업법인 등
○ 신지식학사농업인(2년제 대학 이상 졸업자로서 50세 이하 도내 농업인)
○ 지역 농축산물 원료를 사용한 식품가공업체 등
○ 창의 선진농업인․벤처농업인(농림수산식품부의 신지식농업인 지정 또는 특허등록․출원 농업인)
○ 벤처기업(기술신용보증기금, 중소기업진흥공단, 한국벤처캐피탈협회로부터 벤처기업으로 확인 받은 업체)
○ 수출농․업체(’11년도 수출실적이 있는 농업인․업체)
※ 상반기 지원대상자가 하반기 신청 또는 다음 해 중복 신청하는 경우는 우선 선정대상이 되지 않음
다. 이차보전 한도 및 이자상환
○ 이차보전 이율 : 연리 2%
○ 이차보전 한도액
- 농업인 : 2백만 원 이내/년(1억원 이내 대출)
- 농업법인 등 사업자 : 4백만 원 이내/년(2억원 이내 대출)
○ 보전기간 : 신규 대출금의 거치기간(최대 3년)
라. 사업추진 체계
1) 사업신청 시기 : 연 2회(1월, 7월)
2)사업추진 절차
① 농업종합자금 대출 상담 등(농업인․농업법인→농협)
- 대출 가능여부, 희망 사업에 대한 자격 요건․신청 가능 금액 등
② 이차보전 신청서 작성․제출(농업인․농업법인 → 읍․면)
※ 농협 대출업무 담당자의 대출 가능여부 확인 날인 제출
③ 신청서 취합 및 신청결과 제출(읍․면 → 군)
④ 시군「농업정책자금심의위원회」심의․대상자 추천(군 → 도)
- 우선순위를 정하여 도에 제출
⑤ 도 관련실과 사전 검토 후「도 농업정책자금심의위원회」심의회부(도)
⑥ 대상자 확정․통보(도→ 시군, 농협)
⑦ 대출실행 및 융자상황 보고, 이차보전금 신청(농협→도)
⑧ 이차보전금 지급(도→농협) 및 정산(농협→도)
※ 농협은 상반기 대출자는 다음해 6. 30일 기준, 하반기 대출자는 다음해 12. 31일 기준으로 이자상환액을 청구하며, 이차보전금 지급 방법은 도와 농협이 협의 결정
3) 기관별 업무담당
기관별 | 내 용 |
도 | ○ 사업추진 총괄 및 지도․감독 ○ 이차보전 지원대상 확정 ○ 시군 부담금 및 대출 규모 배정 ○ 농협 이차 보전액 지급 |
시․군 | ○ 심의회 개최, 이차지원 대상자 선정(추천) ○ 추진실태 관리 및 대출실행 지도 |
대출기관(농협) | ○ 이차보전 대상자 사전심사 및 대출 실행 ○ 대출현황 및 이차보전 관련 자료 제출 ○ 이차보전액 지급 청구 및 정산 보고 |
마. 사후 관리
1) 사업대상자 변경
○ 지원대상자 확정 후 사업대상자가 특별한 사유없이 일정기간 사업을 착수하지 않을 경우에는 사업포기 여부를 확인(6. 30까지)
○ 사업포기자 확정 후 대상자에게 통보하고 즉시 예비 후보자로 교체(수시) 또는 2차 신규 수요조사 실시 후 사업자 확정
2) 부도․폐업․파산자에 대한 이차보전금 지급 신청
○ 부도․폐업․파산 전일까지의 이차보전금만 지급 신청
바. 행정 사항
1) 사업 희망자 수요조사 실시
○ 기 간 : (1차) 2012. 1. 1 ~ 2. 29, (2차) 2012. 7. 1 ~ 7. 31
○ 접수처 : 읍․면․동사무소
2) 이차보전 대상자 추천
《 도 관련실과 》
○ 시․군에서 제출된 사업신청서 검토 및 실질적인 대상자가 추천되도록 심사위원회에 적극 참여
○ 이차보전 우선 지원 대상자들에게 지원될 수 있도록 관련 농업인 및 농업법인 발굴위해 적극 홍보 실시
○ 사업추진 상황을 수시 점검하여 문제점 발생시 즉시 총괄부서(농업정책과 국제농업담당)로 통보, 적정대상자 등이 수혜 받도록 추진
《 시․군 》
○ 영세 농업인, 신지식학사농업인, 벤처농업인 등 우선 지원대상자 발굴․추천
○ 사업추진 상황을 수시 점검하여 문제점(사업포기 등) 발생시 즉시 예비 후보자 등으로 교체 추진 및 신규 대상자 발굴 추천
3) 보고사항
○ 시장․군수는 사업대상자 신청서를 면밀히 검토․심의 후 연 2회 적정 대상자를 선정 (서식 3) 도에 추천(3월 9일까지, 8월 10일까지)
○ 도에서는 심의위원회 심의를 거쳐 추천대상자 명단 (서식 5)을 농협전남지역본부와 시․군에 통보, 시군은 대상자에게 선정 내역 통보(서식7)
○ 농협중앙회 전남지역본부는 이차보전 대출실행 실적(서식 6)을 분기별(다음달 5일까지)로 도에 제출
4) 사업비 집행 및 정산(농협전남지역본부 → 도)
○ 농협 전남지역본부는 이차보전지원 사업 정산 서식에 의거(서식 8)
제출(2013. 12. 31.까지)
Ⅱ | . | 신용보증 지원 |
농업정책자금 대출시 담보․신용 부족으로 대출이 어려운 농어업 법인(사업자)에게 전남신용보증재단을 통해 보증서 발급 지원 |
가. 사업개요
○ 사업기간 : 2012. 1 ~ 2012. 12.
○ 보증규모 : 1,720백만원
○ 보증서 발급기관 : 전남신용보증재단
○ 보증만기일 : 대출금 상환기간까지
○ 소요예산 : 172백만원
나. 사업대상
1) 지원대상
○ 사업자 등록을 마친 개인사업자, 법인사업자
- 농어업인(농수산 식품을 생산, 가공, 유통하는 개인사업자)
- 농어업법인(영농․영어조합, 농․어업회사법인)
- 농수산식품 제조가공업체
※ 수산분야 사업자는 <농어촌진흥기금> 지원대상자에 한함.
○ 5천만원 이하 신청자는 보증 신청일 현재 가동(영업) 중인 업체
○ 5천만원 초과 신청자는 보증 신청일 현재 6개월 이상 가동(영업) 중인 업체
※ 보증 제한대상 : 휴업 중인 기업, 빈번한 연체 및 신용불량인 기업
2) 우선 선정대상
○ 자본금 3억 원 이하의 사업자(농어업법인, 식품업체 등)
○ 친환경 농수산식품의 생산․가공․유통 사업자
○ 신지식학사농업법인
○ 지역 농수산물 원료를 사용하는 가공사업자
○ 벤처․창의 사업자(농림수산식품부의 신지식농업인 지정 또는 벤처기업 지정업체)
○ 수출농․업체(’10년 이후 수출실적이 있는 농업인․업체)
※ 상반기 지원대상자가 하반기 신청 또는 다음 해 중복 신청하는 경우는 우선 선정대상이 되지 않음
3) 대상사업 : 4개 사업
- 도 농업기금 : 농어촌진흥기금, 친환경농업육성기금, 녹색축산육성기금
- 농업종합자금(농협 대출)
다. 보증 조건
1) 보증한도
○ 1억원 이내 : 개인사업자
○ 2억원 이내 : 법인사업자(농어업법인, 식품제조가공업체 등)
2) 보증 조건
구 분 | 5천만원 이하 | 5천만원 초과 |
영업실적 | 보증신청일 현재 가동(영업)중에 있을 것 | 보증신청일 현재 6개월 이상 가동(영업)중에 있을것 |
연 체 | 최근 3개월이내 10일이상 연체 4회 또는 30일 이상 계속된 연체대출금 보유사실이 없을 것. | 최근 3개월이내 10일이상 연체 3회 또는 30일 이상 계속된 연체대금 보유사실이 없을 것. |
보증한도 | 한도사정 생략 | 연간매출액의 1/2 범위 이내 |
보 증 료 | 1% 고정료율 | 1% 고정료율 |
보증비율 | 100% 전액보증 | 90% 부분보증 |
차입금 | - | 신청건 포함 운전자금차입금이 연간매출액 범위 이내일 것 |
재무비율 | - | 부채비율 제조업 700%, 기타업종 500% 미만일 것(2억미만 적용생략) |
- | 총차입금 대비 자기자본비율이 제조업 500%, 기타업종 400% 미만일 것(2억미만 적용생략) |
라. 사업비(보증규모) 배정 및 시군 부담금 확보
○ 사업 희망자 수요조사 결과 수요가 시군 배정액 보다 미달된 시군의 사업비는 초과된 시군으로 사업비를 하반기에 조정․재배정
○ 도 배정액 100억 원은 도 시책사업 중「에너지농장사업」,「친환경농업육성기금」,「신지식학사농업인」지원에 추후별도 배정․ 추진
※농어촌진흥기금」사업 중「신지식학사어업인」,「식품가공」,「저온저장고」와「녹색축산육성기금」지원 대상 사업자는 시군 사업비(보증서 발급액)에서 발급대상 선정․추진
마. 추진 체계
1) 사업신청 시기 : 연 2회(1월, 7월)
※ 에너지농장사업, 친환경농업육성기금사업, 신지식학사농업인은 별도 계획에 의거 추진
2) 사업추진 절차
① 신용보증 지원 사업계획서 작성 및 신청서 작성․제출(개인사업자, 농업법인사업자, 식품업체 → 읍․면․동)
- 사업신청시 (서식 3)의 신용정보의 제공 및 조회동의서 제출
② 신청서 취합 및 신청결과 제출(읍․면․동 → 군)
③ 보증서 신청 사업자 사전 신용조사 요청(군 → 전남신보)
- 신용 보증서 발급신청 대상자 명단, 사업신청서(사본) 및 신용정보의 제공 및 조회동의서 송부
④ 보증서 발급 신청자에 대한 사전 신용조사 실시 및 조사결과 통보(전남신보→시군)
- 전남신보는 사전 신용조사 실시 후 신용불량자, 연체자 등 신용보증서 발급 가능 여부를 확인하여 시군에 통보
⑤ 시군「농업정책자금심의위원회」심의․대상자 추천(시․군 → 도)
- 시․군별 우선순위 정하여 도에 신청서류 제출
<정책자금 심의위원회 구성․운영> ○ 위 원 수 : 10명 내외(지자체 의원, 교수, 농수산업 기관․단체, 공무원 등) ○ 구성단위 : 도 단위, 시군 단위 ○ 기 능 : 지원 자격, 중복 수혜자 여부, 지원 순위 등 심의 ○ 심사기준 : 영농규모 등 8개 항목으로 분류된 심사표(서식 5)에 의한 심사 |
⑥ 시군 자체 정책심의위원회를 구성․운영 지원대상 추천(시․군 → 도)
⑦ 도 추진부서 사전 검토 및 도 농업정책자금심의위원회 심의회부(도)
⑧ 대상자 확정 통보(도→시군․전남신보)
⑨ 보증서 발급(전남신보→사업신청자)
⑩ 대출실행 및 융자상황 보고(농․수협→도)
⑪ 특별 출연금 정산(전남신보→도)
3) 기관별 업무담당
기 관 별 | 내 용 |
도 | ○ 사업추진 총괄 지도․감독 ○ 보증 발급 신청서 검토 및 보증 대상자 추천 ○ 보증규모 배정 및 보증기관에 출연금 지급 |
시․군 | ○ 사업신청서 검토(신청사유, 적격자 등 검토 철저) ○ 시․군별 우선순위 정하여 도에 신청서류 제출 ○ 사업자별 사업추진 지도 및 사업장 관리 |
보증기관 (전남신보) | ○ 보증상담, 신용조사 및 보증심사 ○ 보증서 발급 및 발급상황 통보 ○ 특별출연금 정산 |
바. 사후 관리
○ 보증서 수령자의 융자 실행 및 일정기간 보증서를 활용 융자를 실행하지 않을 경우 사업포기 여부 확인(시군)
○ 사업포기자 확정 후 대상자에게 통보하고 즉시 예비 후보자로 교체 또는 신규 수요조사 실시 후 사업자 확정․추천(시군→도)
○ 보증서 발급 후 사업 포기자에 대하여는 보증서 회수조치(전남신보)
사. 행정사항
1) 지원대상 수요조사 실시
○ 수요조사 기간
- 1차 : 2012. 1. 1 ~ 2012. 2. 29.
- 2차 : 2012. 7. 1 ~ 2012. 7. 31.
※ 에너지농장사업, 친환경농업육성기금 사업 대상자는 사업추진부서의 별도 계획에 의거 수요조사 실시
○ 접수처 : 읍․면사무소
2) 보증대상자 추천
《 도 관련실과 》
○ 시․군에서 제출된 사업신청서 검토 및 실질적인 대상자가 추천되도록 사전 안내․홍보 철저
○ 도정 주요시책 사업자가 보증제도에 참여토록하고 관련 농업인 및 사업체 대상자 발굴 등 적극 추진
○ 사업추진 상황을 수시 점검하여 문제점(사업포기 등) 발생시 즉시 총괄부서(농업정책과 국제농업담당)에 통보하여 보증서 발행 실효성 제고 및 적정대상자가 수혜 받도록 추진
《 군 》
○ 능력 있는 젊은이들의 농촌 정착을 유도하고 농수산식품 업체의 경쟁력 제고에 기여할 수 있도록 대상자 발굴 등 적극 추진
○ 보증기관이 자금을 적절히 지원할 수 있도록 지원제외대상자를 조기에 검토하기위한 관련서류 반드시 제출
○ 농어촌진흥기금의 실행이 제고되도록 보증제도 적극 홍보
○ 사업추진 상황을 수시 점검하여 문제점(사업포기 등) 발생시 즉시 도에 보고하여 보증서 발행 실효성 제고 및 적정대상자가 수혜 받도록 추진
3) 사업관련 보고 및 통보
○ 시장․군수는 사업대상자 신청서를 검토한 후 전남신용보증재단의 사전 보증심사를 거쳐 자체 심의회를 개최 적정대상자를 선정 결과를(서식 4)에 의거 도에 제출(2. 10한, 8. 10한)
○ 도에서는 심의회 심의를 거쳐 추천대상자 명단 (서식 7)을 전남신보에 통보, 전남신보는 보증서 발급대상자를 확정 후 도와 시군에 통보 (서식 8)
○ 시군에서는 사업대상자에게 선정 통지서 통보 (서식 6), 전남신보에서는 보증서 발급 실적을 (서식 9)에 의거 도와 시군에 통보
4) 보증서 발급실적 제출 및 사업비 정산
○ 전남신용보증재단은 분기별로 보증서 발급실적 제출
○ 사업비 정산 보고(2013. 2. 28까지) (서식 10)
○事業期間:2012年1月から2012年12月に(ローン実行2012 12 31た)
- 別の全業績職業がある者(農協常勤従業員、公務員、教師など)
- リース、委託等直接営農に従事していない者
- 信用管理者、貸付金の延滞者などの女神取扱い制限者など
- 一般的な農家:耕作規模2ha以下
- 畜産農家:牛30二未満、豚500頭未満、鶏2満水未満、
- 施設ハウス栽培農家:施設面積0.3ha以下
- 農業:2万ウォン以内/年(1億ウォン以内の融資)
- 農業法人等事業者:4万ウォン以内/年(2億ウォン以内の融資)
- ローン可能かどうか、希望のビジネスのための資格要件申請可能額など
- 優先順位を定めてもに提出
※農協は上半期貸し手は翌年6月30日日あたり、下半期貸し手は翌年12 31日の時点であり、償還額を請求し、二次補てん金支給の方法は、支援農協が協議決定
○期間:(1次)2012. 1. 1〜2 29、(2次)2012. 7. 1〜7 31
提出(2013 12月31日まで)
○事業期間:2012年1〜2012 12。
- 農漁業人(農水産食品を生産、加工、流通する個人事業者)
- 農漁業法人(営農英語の組み合わせは、農漁業会社法人)
- 農水産食品製造加工業者
- も農業基金:農振興基金、エコ農業育成基金、緑畜産育成基金
- 農業総合資金(農協ローン)
- 事業申請時(書式3)の信用情報の提供および照会同意書の提出
- 信用保証書発給申請対象者名簿、事業申請書(写し)、クレジット情報の提供および照会同意書送付
- 全南新報は、事前クレジット調査を実施した後、クレジット
Nōgyō seisaku shikin no niji hozen. Shin'yō hoshō shien jigyō suishin keikaku nōgyō sōgō shikin yūshi ni yoru niji hozen to nōgyō seisaku shikin no shin'yō hoshō sapōto ni rishi futan o keigen sa se rōn riyō kakudai ni nōgyō no kyōsō-ryoku o takame, nōka shotoku no zōdai hakaru Ⅰ. Ni-ji hozen sapōto nōgyō sōgō shikin kashitsuke-ji rōn no rishi 3-pāsento no ichibu (2-pāsento) o sapōto shite nōgyō nōgyō hōjin no rishi futan o keigen ga. Jigyō no gaiyō ○ jigyō kikan: 2012-Nen 1 tsuki kara 2012-nen 12 tsuki ni (rōn jikkō 2012 12 31ta) ○ rōn no kibo: 43 Oku (zu 1, 000 oku-u~on) ○ 二次補填額 : 61 Hyaku man-u~on (zu 20 oku-u~on) ○ shien shikin: Nōgyō sōgō shikin (nōkyō-gun shibu to chiiki nōkyō rōn) ○ taishō jigyō: Engei toku-saku. Chikusan bun'ya saibai seisan jigyō, kankō nōen nōson minshuku bijinesu, nōgyō kikai hokan sōko jigyō, nōson kakō jigyō, yushutsu ya kibo-ka jigyō nado,`nōgyō sōgō shikin' de shien suru jigyō※' 12-nen kara Kan ushi (nyūgyū hiiku) shiyō tōsū kajō kaishō-ji made shukuji-shin. Kaichiku ya zōchiku no tame no yūshi ga seigen (tadashi, chikusha-nai shisetsu kaishū, to~u~ebijan nado no gaibu shisetsu wa, rōn kanō) sa reruga, saichiku, kizon no shisetsu no kōnyū shikin to hoka no chikushu no shisetsu shikin yūshi wa kanō ○ shikin yōto: Shisetsu shikin, inu hoshū shikin, unten shikin, nōgyō kikai shikin nado watashi. Jigyō taishō-sha 1) shien taishō ○ nōgyō ○ 1-nen ijō no jigyō jisseki ga aru nōgyō hōjin (einō kumiai hōjin, nōgyō kaisha hōjin) ○ nōson kakō jigyō-sha ○ hachimitsu. Shika no tsuno no kakō jigyō-sha ○ sonohokano `yushutsu to kibo-ka jigyō-sha' nado,`nōgyō sōgō shikin' no yūshi taishō-sha※ sapōto o nozoku taishō-sha (nōgyō sōgō shikin shien o nozoku taishō-sha no kijun o tekiyō) - betsu no zen gyōseki shokugyō ga aru mono (nōkyō jōkin jūgyōin, kōmuin, kyōshi nado) - rīsu, itaku-tō chokusetsu einō ni jūji shite inai mono - shin'yō kanrisha, kashitsuke-kin no entai-sha nado no megami toriatsukai seigen-sha nado 2) mazu, sentei taishō ○ reisai nōgyō - ippantekina nōka: Kōsaku kibo 2 ha ika - chikusan nōka: Ushi 30 ni-miman, buta 500-tō-miman, niwatori 2 mansui-miman, ahiru 3 tensui-miman - shisetsu hausu saibai nōka: Shisetsu menseki 0. 3 Ha ika ○ shihonkin 3 oku-u~on ika no nōgyō hōjin ○ kankyō ni yasashī nō shokuhin o seisan ryūtsū suru nōgyō nōgyō hōjin-tō ○ shin chishiki gakushi nōgyō (2 nensei daigaku ijō o sotsugyō shi to shite, 50-sai ika no tonai nōgyō) ○ chiiki nōchiku sanbutsu no genryō o shiyō shita shokuhin kakō gyōsha nado ○ u~indō senshin nōgyō benchā nōgyō (nōrin suisan shokuhin-bu no shin chishiki nōgyō-sha no shitei matawa tokkyo tōroku shutsugan nōgyō) ○ benchā kigyō (gijutsu shin'yō hoshō kikin, chūshōkigō shinkō kōdan, Kankoku benchākyapitaru kyōkai kara benchā kigyō ni kakunin sa reta mēkā) ○ yushutsu nōgyō-sha (' 11-nendo no yushutsu jisseki ga aru nōgyō. Kaisha)※ zenhan shien taishō-sha ga shimohanki no shinsei matawa yokunen no jūfuku shinsei suru baai wa, mazu sentei taishō to sa rete inai dearu. 二次保全上限 To rishi no hensai ○ 二次保全利率 : Nenri 2-pāsento ○ 二次保全限度額 - Nōgyō: 2 Man-u~on inai/ toshi (1 oku-u~on inai no yūshi) - nōgyō hōjin-tō jigyō-sha: 4 Man-u~on inai/ toshi (2 oku-u~on inai no yūshi) ○ hozen kikan: Shinki kashitsuke-kin no sueoki kikan (saidai 3-nen) nasai. Jigyō suishin shisutemu 1) jigyō shinsei jiki: Toshi 2-kai (1 tsuki, 7 tsuki) 2) jigyō no suishin tejun ① nōgyō sōgō shikin kashitsuke sōdan nado (nōgyō nōgyō hōjin → nōkyō) - rōn kanō ka dō ka, kibō no bijinesu no tame no shikaku yōken shinsei kanō-gaku nado ② 二次保全申請書 No sakusei. Teishutsu (nōgyō nōgyō hōjin → 邑 -Men)※ nōkyō rōn gyōmu tantōsha no kashidashi jōkyō o chekku natsuin teishutsu ③ shinsei-sho shūshū oyobi shinsei kekka no teishutsu ( 邑 -Men →-gun) ④ gun `nōgyō seisaku shikin shingi iinkai' no shingi. Taishō-sha suisen (gun → mo) - yūsen jun'i o sadamete mo ni teishutsu ⑤ mo kanren-shitsu jizen kentō-go,`mo nōgyō seisaku shikin shingi iinkai' shingikai-bu (zu) ⑥ taishō-sha kakutei tsūhō (zu →-gun, nōkyō) ⑦ rōn jikkō oyobi yūshi jōkyō o mite, niji hoten-kin no shinsei (nōkyō → mo) ⑧ niji hoten-kin shikyū (zu → nōkyō) to seisan (nōkyō → mo)※ nōkyō wa kamihanki kashite wa yokunen 6 tsuki 30-nichi-bi-atari, shimohanki kashite wa yokunen 12 31-nichi no jitendeari, shōkan-gaku o seikyū shi, niji hoten-kin shikyū no hōhō wa, shien nōkyō ga kyōgi kettei 3) kikan-betsu no gyōmu tantō kikan-betsu naiyō mo ○ jigyō suishin tōkatsu to chizu kantoku ○ 二次保全支援対象確定 ○-Gun futan-kin to yūshi kibo wariate ○ nōkyō 二次補填額 No shiharai-shi-gun ○ shingikai no kaisai, 二次支援対象者選定 (Suishō) ○ suishin jittai kanri to yūshi jikkō no chizu kin'yūkkan (nōkyō) ○ 二次保全対象者事前審査 To yūshi jikkō ○ yūshi no genjō to 二次保全関連資料 No teishutsu ○ 二次補填額 No shiharai seikyū to seisan repōto yo. Jigo kanri 1) jigyō-sha no henkō ○ shien taishō-sha kakutei-go no jigyō-sha ga, tokubetsuna jiyū naku, ittei kikan no jigyō o chakushu shite inai baai ni wa, jigyō hōki suru ka dō ka o kakunin shi (6 tsuki 30-nichi made) ○ jigyō hōki-sha kakutei-go, taishō-sha ni tsūchi shite, sugu ni kōho-sha to kōkan (zuiji) matawa 2-ji shinki juyō chōsa o jisshi shita nochi jigyō-sha kakutei 2)-bu mo haigyō. Hasan-sha no niji hoten-kin shikyū shinsei ○ tōsan haigyō. Hasan zenjitsu made no niji hoten-kin nomi shikyū shinsei bā. Gyōsei jikō 1) jigyō kibō-sha no juyō chōsa o jisshi ○ kikan: (1-Ji) 2012. 1. 1 〜 2 29,(2-Ji) 2012. 7. 1 〜 7 31 ○ Uketsuke: 邑 -Men yakuba 2) 二次保全対象者推薦 `Mo kanren-shitsu' ○ ichi gun de teishutsu sa reta jigyō shinsei-sho no rebyū to jisshitsu-tekina taishō-sha ga suisen sa reru yō ni, shinsa iinkai ni sekkyokutekini sanka ○ 二次保全優先支援対象者 Ni taiō suru koto ga dekiru yō ni kanren nōgyō ya nōgyō hōjin no hakkutsu no tame ni sekkyokutekini kōhō no jisshi ○ jigyō suishin jōkyō o zuiji chekku shite, mondai hassei-ji ni sugu ni sōkatsu bumon (nōgyō seisaku to kokusai nōgyō tantō) ni tsūhō, tekisei taishō-sha nado ga onkei ukeru suishin `ichi-gun' ○ reisai nōgyō, shin chishiki gakushi nōgyō, benchā nōgyō nado yūsen shien taishō-sha no hakkutsu osusume ○ jigyō suishin jōkyō o zuiji chekku shite, mondai (jigyō hōki nado) hassei-ji, sugu ni kōho-sha nado ni kōkan suishin to shinki taishō-sha no hakkutsu suisen 3) hōkoku jikō ○ shichō gunsu wa, jigyō-sha no shinsei-sho o menmitsu ni kentō shita. Shingi no ato,-nen 2-kai, tekisei taishō-sha o sentei (shoshiki 3) mo ni osusume (3 tsuki 9-nichi made ni, 8 tsuki 10-nichi made) ○ mo de shingi iinkai no shingi o hete suisen taishō risuto (shoshiki 5) o nōkyō zen minami chiiki honbu to ichi gun ni jogen, ichi gun wa taishō-sha ni sentei uchiwake tsūchi (shoshiki 7) ○ Nōkyōchūōkai zen minami chiiki honbu wa niji hozen rōn jikkō jisseki (shoshiki 6) o shihanki (raigetsu 5-nichi made) ni mo teishutsu 4) jigyō-hi no shikkō to seisan (nōkyō zen minami chiiki honbu → mo) ○ nōkyō zen minami chiiki honbu wa 二次保全支援事業精算書式 Ni motodzuki (shoshiki 8) teishutsu (2013 12 tsuki 31-nichi made) Ⅱ. Shin'yō hoshō sapōto nōgyō seisaku shikin no yūshi-ji tanpo kurejitto ga fusoku shite yūshi ga muzukashī nō gyogyō hōjin (jigyō-sha) ni zenranandō shin'yō hoshō zaidan o tsūjite hoshōsho hakkō o sapōto ga. Jigyō no gaiyō ○ jigyō kikan: 2012-Nen 1 〜 2012 12. ○ Hoshō kibo: 1, 720 Hyaku man-u~on ○ hoshōsho hakkō kikan: Zenranandō shin'yō hoshō zaidan ○ hoshō kigen: Hensai kikan made ○ shoyō yosan: 172 Hyaku man-u~on watashi. Jigyō taishō 1) shien taishō ○ jigyō-sha tōroku o oeta kojin jigyō-sha, hōjin jigyō-sha - nō gyogyō hito (Nōsui-san shokuhin o seisan, kakō, ryūtsū suru kojin jigyō-sha) - nō gyogyō hōjin (einō eigo no kumiawase wa, nō gyogyōgaisha hōjin) - Nōsui-san shokuhin seizō kakō gyōsha※ suisan bun'ya jigyō-sha wa,< nō shinkō kikin > shien taishō-sha ni kagiru. ○ 5 Sen man-u~on ika no shinsei-sha wa, hoshō shinsei nichigenzai kadō (eigyō)-chū no mēkā ○ 5 sen man-u~on chōka shinsei-sha wa, hoshō shinsei nichigenzai, 6-kagetsu ijō no kadō (eigyō)-chū no mēkā※ hoshō no seigen taishō: Kyūgyō-chū no kigyō, hinpan'na entai to shin'yō furyō-sha no kigyō 2) mazu, sentei taishō ○ shihonkin 3 oku-u~on ika no jigyō-sha (nō gyogyō hōjin, shokuhin mēkā nado) ○ kankyō ni yasashī nō suisan shokuhin no seisan kakō ryūtsū jigyō-sha ○ shin chishiki gakushi nōgyō hōjin ○ chiiki no nō suisanbutsu genryō o shiyō shite kakō jigyō-sha ○ benchā. U~indō no jigyō-sha (nōrin suisan shokuhin-bu no shin chishiki nōgyō-sha no shitei ya benchā kigyō shitei gyōsha) ○ yushutsu nōgyō-sha (' 10-nen ikō no yushutsu jisseki ga aru nōgyō. Kaisha)※ zenhan shien taishō-sha ga shimohanki no shinsei matawa yokunen no jūfuku shinsei suru baai wa, mazu sentei taishō to sa rete inai 3) taishō jigyō: 4Tsu no jigyō - mo nōgyō kikin: Nō shinkō kikin, eko nōgyō ikusei kikin, midori chikusan ikusei kikin - nōgyō sōgō shikin (nōkyō rōn)dearu. Hoshō jōken 1) hoshō gendo ○ 1 oku-u~on inai: Kojin jigyō-sha ○ 2 oku-u~on inai: Hōjin jigyō-sha (nō gyogyō hōjin, shokuhin seizō kakō gyōsha nado) 2) hoshō no jōken kubun 5 sen man-u~on ika 5 sen man-u~on chōka eigyō jisseki hoshō shinsei nichigenzai kadō (eigyō) no nakadarou hoshō shinsei nichigenzai, 6-kagetsu ijō no kadō (eigyō) no naka sō tako-tai saikin 3kagetsu inai ni 10-nichi ijō entai 4-kai matawa 30-nichi ijō keizoku sa reta entai kashidashi-kin hoyū no jijitsu ga nai koto. Saikin 3kagetsu inai ni 10-nichi ijō entai 3-kai matawa 30-nichi ijō keizoku sa reta entai daikin hoyū jijitsu ga nai koto. Hoshō gendo gendo jijō shōryaku nenkan uriagedaka no 1/ 2 no han'i-nai hoshō-ryō 1-pāsento no kotei ryōritsu 1-pāsento no kotei ryōritsu hoshō no wariai 100-pāsento zengaku hoshō 90-pāsento no bubun hoshō kariirekin - mōshikomi wa fukuma unten shikin kariirekin ga nenkan uriagedaka no han'i inaidearu koto zaimu hiritsu - fusai hiritsu, seizō-gyō 700%, sonohoka no gyōshu 500-pāsento mimandearu koto (2 億未満適用省略 ) - Sō kariirekin-hi jiko shihon hiritsu ga, seizō-gyō 500%, sonohoka no gyōshu 400-pāsento mimandearu koto (2 億未満適用省略 ) Nasai. Jigyō-hi (hoshō kibo) wariate to gun futan-kin no kakuho ○ jigyō kibō-sha juyō chōsa no kekka, juyō ga gun bejon'eku yori shitamawatta gun no jigyō-hi wa, chōka shita gun de jigyō-hi o shimohanki ni chōsei shita. Sai shīdo ○ mo bejon'eku 100 oku-u~on wa,-zu shisaku jigyō no uchi `enerugīfāmu jigyō',`kankyō ni yasashī nōgyō no ikusei kikin',`shin chishiki gakushi nōgyō' no sapōto gojitsu betto wariate. Suishin※ nō shinkō kikin' jigyō no uchi `shin chishiki gakushi gyogyō',`shokuhin kakō',`teion chozōko' to `midori no chikusan ikusei kikin' shien taishō jigyō-sha wa, ichi-gun jigyō-hi (hoshōsho barugupueku) de hakkō-saki sentei suishin yo. Suishin shisutemu 1) jigyō shinsei jiki: Toshi 2-kai (1 tsuki, 7 tsuki)※ enerugīfāmu jigyō, kankyō ni yasashī nōgyō no ikusei kikin jigyō, shin chishiki gakushi nōgyō wa betto keikaku ni motodzuki suishin 2) jigyō no suishin tejun ① shin'yō hoshō shien jigyō kaikakusho o sakusei shi, shinsei-sho sakusei. Teishutsu (kojin jigyō-sha, nōgyō hōjin jigyō-sha, shokuhin mēkā → 邑 -Men dō) - jigyō shinsei-ji (shoshiki 3) no shin'yō jōhō no teikyō oyobi shōkai dōi-sho no teishutsu ② shinsei-sho shūshū oyobi shinsei kekka no teishutsu ( 邑 -Men dō →-gun) ③ hoshōsho no shinsei jigyō-sha jizen kurejitto chōsa yōkyū (gun → chon'nan shinpō) - shin'yō hoshōsho hakkyū shinsei taishō-sha meibo, jigyō shinsei-sho (utsushi), kurejitto jōhō no teikyō oyobi shōkai dōi-sho sōfu ④ hoshōsho hakkō shinsei-sha no jizen shin'yō chōsa o jisshi shi, chōsa kekka tsūchi (zen minami shinpu →-gun) - chon'nan shinpō wa, jizen kurejitto chōsa o jisshi shita nochi, kurejitto
Agricultural policy fund secondary preservation. Credit guarantee support business promotion plan
Secondary conservation based on the comprehensive funding of agriculture and reduction of the interest burden by supporting the credit guarantee of agricultural policy funds, raising agricultural competitiveness by increasing the use of loans and increasing the income of farm households
Secondary preservation support
Supporting a portion of the loan interest (3%) (2%) in the agricultural total fund loan
Reduce the interest burden on farmers and agricultural corporations
end. business overview
○ Business period: 2012. January ~ 2012. December (loan execution 2012.12.31)
○ Loan size: 4.3 billion won (W100 billion won)
○ Second Amount: 61 million won (2 billion won)
○ Support fund: agricultural total fund (Nonghyup municipal branch office and local agricultural cooperative loan)
○ Projects: Projects supported by "Agricultural Comprehensive Funds" such as farming / production projects, farming / hunting farming, farming / hunting, farming /
※ Restricted loans for new, reconstructed and enlarged houses (except for the renovation of internal facilities of housing facilities and lending of external facilities such as composting facilities) until the rescue of cattle (cow fattening) Facility purchasing funds and facilities loans for other types of stocks are available.
○ Use of funds: Facility funds, repair and maintenance funds, working capital, agricultural equipment funds, etc.
I. Business person
1) Supported
○ Farmers
○ Agricultural corporation (agricultural association corporation, agricultural corporation corporation) having business achievement more than one year
○ Rural processing companies
○ Honey, antler processing company
○ Other "Export and Scale-up Business Operators" Who should be loaned to "Agricultural Agricultural Funds"
※ Applicants who are not eligible for support
- Those who have a full-time job (NACF full-time employees, civil servants, teachers, etc.)
- Those who do not engage in direct farming such as renting or commissioning.
- Restricted persons who are subject to credit management, such as credit delinquent loans
2) Priority target
○ Small farmers
- General farmhouse: Less than 2 ha of cultivation scale
- Livestock farms: less than 30 cattle, less than 500 pigs, less than 20,000 chickens,
Less than three ducks
- Facility House Farmer: Facility area less than 0.3ha
○ Agricultural corporation with capital of less than 300 million won
○ Farmers who produce and distribute eco-friendly agricultural products, agricultural corporations, etc.
○ Bachelor of new knowledge farmers (aged 50 or younger who graduated from a two-year college or higher)
○ Food processing companies using local agricultural and livestock raw materials, etc.
○ Advanced farmer of the venture. Venture farmer (Designated as a new farmer by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or registered as a patented farmer)
○ Venture company (Technology Credit Guarantee Fund, Small and Medium Business Promotion Corporation, a company that has been confirmed as a venture enterprise by Korea Venture Capital Association)
○ Export farmer / seller ('11 farmer / seller with export performance)
※ If the applicant for the first half of the year applies for the second half of the year or if the applicant applies for the next year, he / she will not be selected first.
All. Secondary Contingency Limit and Interest Redemption
○ Secondary preservation rate: 2%
○ Secondary preservation ceiling
- Farmers: Within 2 million won / year (Loans within 100 million won)
- Agricultural corporations, etc.: Within 4 million won / year (Loans within 200 million won)
○ Period of preservation: Period of holding new loan (maximum 3 years)
la. Business promotion system
1) Project application period: twice a year (January, July)
2) Business Promotion Procedures
① Agriculture comprehensive fund loan consultation (farmer, agricultural corporation → NACF)
- Possibility of lending, qualification requirements for the desired business, etc.
② Complete and submit secondary preservation application (farmer, agricultural corporation → eup, myeon)
※ Submit the confirmation of the availability of loan for the NACF loans
③ Collection of applications and submission of application results (Eup, Myeon → Gun)
④ Deliberation by the city government "Agricultural Policy Fund Review Committee.
- Prioritize and submit to
⑤ After the preliminary examination of related factories, "the agriculture policy fund deliberation committee"
⑥ Determination of the subject and notification (Do → City, Nonghyup)
⑦ Loan execution and financing status report, application for secondary balance (NACF → Road)
⑧ Secondary maintenance payment (Road → Nonghyup) and settlement (Nonghyup → Road)
※ The NACF claims the first half of the loan as of June 30, the second half of the borrower as of December 31 of the following year, and the method of payment of the secondary reserve.
3) Duties by organization
By institution
○ Business promotion generalization, guidance and supervision
○ Secondary preservation support target confirmation
○ City municipal contribution and loan allocation
○ Nonghyup Secondary Payment Amount
○ Selection of council, secondary support target (recommended)
○ Management of promotion status and guidance on loan execution
Lending institution (NACF)
○ Pre-screening and loan execution for the target of secondary preservation
○ Submission of loan status and secondary preservation related materials
○ Request for Secondary Amount Payment and Settlement Report
hemp. Vigilance
1) Change of business target
○ After confirming the target applicant, if the applicant does not start the project for a certain period without specific reasons, confirm whether the project is abandoned (until June 30)
○ After confirming the abandonment of the project, notify the target person and immediately replace it as a reserve candidate (occasionally)
2) Apply for secondary funding for bankruptcy, closure or bankruptcy
○ Bankruptcy, closure of business, bankruptcy Secondary saving until the day before application for payment
bar. Administrative matters
1) Demand survey for business applicants
○ Period: (1st) 2012. 1. ~ 2. 29, (2nd) July 1 ~ July 31, 2012
○ Reception desk: Town, town, government office
2) Recommendation for secondary preservation
"Relevant thread"
○ Review the application form submitted by the municipal government and actively participate in the committee so that the actual applicant is recommended.
○ Promote publicity to find relevant farmers and agricultural corporations so that they can be supported by those who are eligible for the first priority.
○ Check the status of the project on a regular basis to promptly notify the general department (agricultural policy and international agriculture) when problems arise,
○ Identification of priority target applicants such as small-scale farmers, new-age farmers, venture farmers, etc.
○ When the business situation is checked at any time and problems (abandonment of business, etc.) occur, it is promptly replaced with preliminary candidates, etc., and excavation of new target persons is recommended
3) Reporting requirements
○ The mayor inspects the applicant application carefully and selects the right target person twice a year after the deliberation (form 3) It is recommended in the figure (until March 9, until August 10)
○ In the province, after the deliberation of the deliberation committee, the recommendation list (Form 5) is notified to the headquarters of the NACF Jeonnam region and the city and county,
○ The NACF's Jeonnam Regional Headquarters submits the results of the secondary preservation loan implementation (Form 6) quarterly (by the 5th of the following month).
4) Execution and settlement of business expenses (headquarters of Nonghyup Chonnam region → province)
○ Nonghyup Jeonnam region headquarters is based on the form for the secondary preservation support project (Form 8)
Submission (until December 31, 2013)
Credit Guarantee Support
Agricultural Policy Loans secured by loans
Guarantee issuance to corporate (business) through Jeonnam Credit Guarantee Foundation
end. business overview
○ Project period: 2012. 1 ~ 2012. 12.
○ Guarantee size: ₩ 1,720 million
○ Guarantee Issued by: Jeonnam Credit Guarantee Foundation
○ Warranty expiration date: until the loan repayment period
○ Required budget: 172 million won
I. Business target
1) Supported
○ Individuals who have completed business registration, corporations
- farmers and fishermen (individuals who produce, process and distribute agricultural and fishery products)
- Agricultural and fishery corporation (farming, English union, corporation of farming and fishery company)
- Agricultural and fish food manufacturing and processing company
※ Fisheries business operators are limited to those eligible for <Rural Community Promotion Fund>.
○ Applicants under 50 million won will be required to submit the application
○ Over 50 million won Applicant is operating for more than 6 months
※ Subject to limited warranty: companies that are closed, frequent delinquencies, and companies with bad credit
2) Priority target
○ Businesses with less than 300 million won in capital (agricultural and fishery corporations, food companies, etc.)
○ Production, processing and distribution company of eco-friendly agricultural and marine products
○ Bachelor of Science
○ Processing companies using local agricultural and marine products raw materials
○ Venture / creator (designated as a new farmer by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, or designated as a venture company)
○ Export farmer / seller (farmer / supplier with export performance since '10)
※ If the applicant for the first half of the year applies for the second half of the year or if the applicant applies for the next year, he / she will not be selected first.
3) Target business: 4 projects
- Agricultural fund: Agricultural development promotion fund, environment friendly farm upbringing fund, green stock raising fund
- Agriculture total fund (Nonghyup loan)
All. Warranty Conditions
1) Guarantee limit
○ Within KRW 100 million: Individual operators
○ Within KRW 200 million: Corporations (farmers' and fishery corporations, food manufacturing and processing companies, etc.)
2) Warranty condition
Less than 50 million won
Over 50 million won
Sales performance
Must be in operation as of the date of warranty application
As of the date of warranty application, it will be in operation for more than 6 months.
There should be no overdue loans that have been overdue for more than 10 days in the last 3 months or more than 30 days in the past.
There should be no delinquent charges that lasted more than 3 days or more than 30 days in the last 3 months or more than 10 days.
Warranty Limit
Omission of limitations
Within one-half of annual sales
Security fee
1% fixed rate
1% fixed rate
Guarantee Ratio
100% Full Guarantee
90% partial warranty
Borrowings of working capital including application should be within the range of annual sales.
Financial ratio
Debt-to-equity ratio should be less than 700% in the manufacturing industry and less than 500% in other industries (less than 200 million won)
The ratio of capital to total borrowings should be less than 500% in manufacturing and 400% in other industries (less than 200 million won)
la. Allocation of business expenses (guarantee size) and securing of city government contribution
○ As a result of the demand survey for business applicants, the city government's project expenses, whose demand is less than the municipal allocation,
○ The allocation of 10 billion won will be separately allocated to the "energy farm business", "eco-friendly farm fostering fund" and "new knowledge farmer" support. propel
※ Businesses eligible for support for "new-age fishery fishermen", "food processing", "low-temperature storage" and "green livestock raising fund" among the Rural Community Promotion Fund
hemp. Propulsion system
1) Project application period: twice a year (January, July)
※ Energy farm business, eco-friendly farming fund business, and new knowledge farmers are promoted according to separate plan
2) Business Promotion Procedures
① Create a credit guarantee support project plan and prepare and submit an application (individual business, agricultural corporation, food company → town,
- Providing credit information and submission of inquiry form at business application (Form 3)
② Collection of applications and submission of application results (Eup, Myeon, Dong → Gun)
③ Request for advance credit check by the applicant for the certificate (Gun → Jeonnam Shinbo)
- Provide a list of applicants for credit guarantee, business application (copy)
④ Preliminary credit check and notification of investigation result (Jeonnam Shinbo → City)
- Jeonnam Shinbo, after conducting preliminary credit check,
nong-eobjeongchaegjageum ichabojeon․sin-yongbojeung jiwonsa-eob chujingyehoeg
nong-eobjonghabjageum yungja-e ttaleun ichabojeongwa nong-eobjeongchaegjageum-ui sin-yongbojeung jiwon-eulo ija budam-eul gyeong-gamsikigo daechul iyong hwagdaelo nong-eob gyeongjaenglyeog-eul jegohago nong-ga sodeugjeungdae domo
ichabojeon jiwon
nong-eobjonghabjageum daechulsi daechul-ija 3%ui ilbu(2%)leuljiwonhayeo
nong-eob-in․nong-eobbeob-in-ui ija budam-eul gyeong-gam
ga. sa-eobgaeyo
○ sa-eobgigan : 2012. 1wol ~ 2012. 12wol(daechulsilhaeng 2012. 12. 31han)
○ daechulgyumo : 43eog-won(do 1,000eog-won)
○ ichabojeon-aeg : 61baegman-won(do 20eog-won)
○ jiwonjageum : nong-eobjonghabjageum(nonghyeob sigunjibu mich jiyeognonghyeob daechul)
○ daesangsa-eob : won-yeteugjag․chugsanbun-ya jaebae․saengsansa-eob, gwangwangnong-won․nongchonminbagsa-eob, nong-gigyebogwanchang-gosa-eob, nongchongagongsa-eob, suchul mich gyumohwasa-eob deung「nong-eobjonghabjageum」eseo jiwonhaneun sa-eob
※ ’12nyeonbuteo han․yug-u(jeojsobiyug) sayugdusu gwaing haeso sikkaji chugsa sin․gaechug mich jeungchug-e daehan daechul-i jehan(dan, chugsa naebu siseol gaebosu, toebijang deung oebusiseol-eun daechulganeung)doena, jaechug, gijonsiseolmul gu-ibjageumgwa ta chugjong-e daehan siseoljageum daechul-eun ganeung
○ jageum-yongdo : siseoljageum, gae․bosujageum, unjeonjageum, nong-gigyejageum deung
na. sa-eobdaesangja
1) jiwondaesang
○ nong-eob-in
○ 1nyeon isang-ui sa-eobsiljeog-i issneun nong-eobbeob-in(yeongnongjohabbeob-in, nong-eobhoesabeob-in)
○ nongchongagongsa-eobja
○ kkul․nog-yong-gagongsa-eobja
○ gita「suchul mich gyumohwasa-eobja」deung「nong-eobjonghabjageum」daechuldaesangja
※ jiwonje-oe daesangja(nong-eobjonghabjageumjiwon je-oedaesangja gijun jeog-yong)
- byeoldoui jeon-eobjeog jig-eob-i issneunja(nonghyeobsang-geun-imjig-won, gongmuwon, gyosa deung)
- imdae, witag deung jigjeob yeongnong-e jongsahaji anhneun ja
- sin-yong-gwanlidaesangja, daechulgeum yeoncheja deung yeosinchwigeub jehan ja deung
2) useon seonjeongdaesang
○ yeongse nong-eob-in
- ilbannong-ga : gyeongjaggyumo 2ha iha
- chugsannong-ga : so 30du miman, dwaeji 500du miman, dalg 2mansu miman,
oli 3cheonsu miman
- siseolhauseu jaebaenong-ga : siseolmyeonjeog 0.3ha iha
○ jabongeum 3eog won ihaui nong-eobbeob-in
○ chinhwangyeong nongsigpum-eul saengsan․yutonghaneun nong-eob-in․nong-eobbeob-in deung
○ sinjisighagsanong-eob-in(2nyeonje daehag isang jol-eobjaloseo 50se iha donae nong-eob-in)
○ jiyeog nongchugsanmul wonlyoleul sayonghan sigpumgagong-eobche deung
○ chang-ui seonjinnong-eob-in․bencheonong-eob-in(nonglimsusansigpumbuui sinjisignong-eob-in jijeong ttoneun teugheodeunglog․chul-won nong-eob-in)
○ bencheogieob(gisulsin-yongbojeung-gigeum, jungsogieobjinheung-gongdan, hangugbencheokaepitalhyeobhoelobuteo bencheogieob-eulo hwag-in bad-eun eobche)
○ suchulnong․eobche(’11nyeondo suchulsiljeog-i issneun nong-eob-in․eobche)
※ sangbangi jiwondaesangjaga habangi sincheong ttoneun da-eum hae jungbog sincheonghaneun gyeong-uneun useon seonjeongdaesang-i doeji anh-eum
da. ichabojeon hando mich ijasanghwan
○ ichabojeon iyul : yeonli 2%
○ ichabojeon handoaeg
- nong-eob-in : 2baegman won inae/nyeon(1eog-won inae daechul)
- nong-eobbeob-in deung sa-eobja : 4baegman won inae/nyeon(2eog-won inae daechul)
○ bojeongigan : singyu daechulgeum-ui geochigigan(choedae 3nyeon)
la. sa-eobchujin chegye
1) sa-eobsincheong sigi : yeon 2hoe(1wol, 7wol)
2)sa-eobchujin jeolcha
① nong-eobjonghabjageum daechul sangdam deung(nong-eob-in․nong-eobbeob-in→nonghyeob)
- daechul ganeung-yeobu, huimang sa-eob-e daehan jagyeog yogeon․sincheong ganeung geum-aeg deung
② ichabojeon sincheongseo jagseong․jechul(nong-eob-in․nong-eobbeob-in → eub․myeon)
※ nonghyeob daechul-eobmu damdangjaui daechul ganeung-yeobu hwag-in nal-in jechul
③ sincheongseo chwihab mich sincheong-gyeolgwa jechul(eub․myeon → gun)
④ sigun「nong-eobjeongchaegjageumsim-uiwiwonhoe」sim-ui․daesangja chucheon(gun → do)
- useonsun-wileul jeonghayeo do-e jechul
⑤ do gwanlyeonsilgwa sajeon geomto hu「do nong-eobjeongchaegjageumsim-uiwiwonhoe」sim-uihoebu(do)
⑥ daesangja hwagjeong․tongbo(do→ sigun, nonghyeob)
⑦ daechulsilhaeng mich yungjasanghwang bogo, ichabojeongeum sincheong(nonghyeob→do)
⑧ ichabojeongeum jigeub(do→nonghyeob) mich jeongsan(nonghyeob→do)
※ nonghyeob-eun sangbangi daechuljaneun da-eumhae 6. 30il gijun, habangi daechuljaneun da-eumhae 12. 31il gijun-eulo ijasanghwan-aeg-eul cheong-guhamyeo, ichabojeongeum jigeub bangbeob-eun dowa nonghyeob-i hyeob-ui gyeoljeong
3) gigwanbyeol eobmudamdang
nae yong
○ sa-eobchujin chong-gwal mich jido․gamdog
○ ichabojeon jiwondaesang hwagjeong
○ sigun budamgeum mich daechul gyumo baejeong
○ nonghyeob icha bojeon-aeg jigeub
○ sim-uihoe gaechoe, ichajiwon daesangja seonjeong(chucheon)
○ chujinsiltae gwanli mich daechulsilhaeng jido
○ ichabojeon daesangja sajeonsimsa mich daechul silhaeng
○ daechulhyeonhwang mich ichabojeon gwanlyeon jalyo jechul
○ ichabojeon-aeg jigeub cheong-gu mich jeongsan bogo
ma. sahu gwanli
1) sa-eobdaesangja byeongyeong
○ jiwondaesangja hwagjeong hu sa-eobdaesangjaga teugbyeolhan sayueobs-i iljeong-gigan sa-eob-eul chagsuhaji anh-eul gyeong-ueneun sa-eobpogi yeobuleul hwag-in(6. 30kkaji)
○ sa-eobpogija hwagjeong hu daesangja-ege tongbohago jeugsi yebi hubojalo gyoche(susi) ttoneun 2cha singyu suyojosa silsi hu sa-eobja hwagjeong
2) budo․pyeeob․pasanja-e daehan ichabojeongeum jigeub sincheong
○ budo․pyeeob․pasan jeon-ilkkajiui ichabojeongeumman jigeub sincheong
ba. haengjeong sahang
1) sa-eob huimangja suyojosa silsi
○ gi gan : (1cha) 2012. 1. 1 ~ 2. 29, (2cha) 2012. 7. 1 ~ 7. 31
○ jeobsucheo : eub․myeon․dongsamuso
2) ichabojeon daesangja chucheon
《 do gwanlyeonsilgwa 》
○ si․gun-eseo jechuldoen sa-eobsincheongseo geomto mich siljiljeog-in daesangjaga chucheondoedolog simsawiwonhoee jeoggeug cham-yeo
○ ichabojeon useon jiwon daesangjadeul-ege jiwondoel su issdolog gwanlyeon nong-eob-in mich nong-eobbeob-in balgul-wihae jeoggeug hongbo silsi
○ sa-eobchujin sanghwang-eul susi jeomgeomhayeo munjejeom balsaengsi jeugsi chong-gwalbuseo(nong-eobjeongchaeggwa gugjenong-eobdamdang)lo tongbo, jeogjeongdaesangja deung-i suhye baddolog chujin
《 si․gun 》
○ yeongse nong-eob-in, sinjisighagsanong-eob-in, bencheonong-eob-in deung useon jiwondaesangja balgul․chucheon
○ sa-eobchujin sanghwang-eul susi jeomgeomhayeo munjejeom(sa-eobpogi deung) balsaengsi jeugsi yebi huboja deung-eulo gyoche chujin mich singyu daesangja balgul chucheon
3) bogosahang
○ sijang․gunsuneun sa-eobdaesangja sincheongseoleul myeonmilhi geomto․sim-ui hu yeon 2hoe jeogjeong daesangjaleul seonjeong (seosig 3) do-e chucheon(3wol 9ilkkaji, 8wol 10ilkkaji)
○ do-eseoneun sim-uiwiwonhoe sim-uileul geochyeo chucheondaesangja myeongdan (seosig 5)eul nonghyeobjeonnamjiyeogbonbuwa si․gun-e tongbo, sigun-eun daesangja-ege seonjeong naeyeog tongbo(seosig7)
○ nonghyeobjung-anghoe jeonnamjiyeogbonbuneun ichabojeon daechulsilhaeng siljeog(seosig 6)eul bungibyeol(da-eumdal 5ilkkaji)lo do-e jechul
4) sa-eobbi jibhaeng mich jeongsan(nonghyeobjeonnamjiyeogbonbu → do)
○ nonghyeob jeonnamjiyeogbonbuneun ichabojeonjiwon sa-eob jeongsan seosig-e uigeo(seosig 8)
jechul(2013. 12. 31.kkaji)
sin-yongbojeung jiwon
nong-eobjeongchaegjageum daechulsi dambo․sin-yong bujog-eulo daechul-i eolyeoun nong-eoeob
beob-in(sa-eobja)ege jeonnamsin-yongbojeungjaedan-eul tonghae bojeungseo balgeub jiwon
ga. sa-eobgaeyo
○ sa-eobgigan : 2012. 1 ~ 2012. 12.
○ bojeung-gyumo : 1,720baegman-won
○ bojeungseo balgeubgigwan : jeonnamsin-yongbojeungjaedan
○ bojeungmangiil : daechulgeum sanghwangigankkaji
○ soyoyesan : 172baegman-won
na. sa-eobdaesang
1) jiwondaesang
○ sa-eobja deunglog-eul machin gaeinsa-eobja, beob-insa-eobja
- nong-eoeob-in(nongsusan sigpum-eul saengsan, gagong, yutonghaneun gaeinsa-eobja)
- nong-eoeobbeob-in(yeongnong․yeong-eojohab, nong․eoeobhoesabeob-in)
- nongsusansigpum jejogagong-eobche
※ susanbun-ya sa-eobjaneun <nong-eochonjinheung-gigeum> jiwondaesangja-e hanham.
○ 5cheonman-won iha sincheongjaneun bojeung sincheong-il hyeonjae gadong(yeong-eob) jung-in eobche
○ 5cheonman-won chogwa sincheongjaneun bojeung sincheong-il hyeonjae 6gaewol isang gadong(yeong-eob) jung-in eobche
※ bojeung jehandaesang : hyueob jung-in gieob, binbeonhan yeonche mich sin-yongbullyang-in gieob
2) useon seonjeongdaesang
○ jabongeum 3eog won ihaui sa-eobja(nong-eoeobbeob-in, sigpum-eobche deung)
○ chinhwangyeong nongsusansigpum-ui saengsan․gagong․yutong sa-eobja
○ sinjisighagsanong-eobbeob-in
○ jiyeog nongsusanmul wonlyoleul sayonghaneun gagongsa-eobja
○ bencheo․chang-ui sa-eobja(nonglimsusansigpumbuui sinjisignong-eob-in jijeong ttoneun bencheogieob jijeong-eobche)
○ suchulnong․eobche(’10nyeon ihu suchulsiljeog-i issneun nong-eob-in․eobche)
※ sangbangi jiwondaesangjaga habangi sincheong ttoneun da-eum hae jungbog sincheonghaneun gyeong-uneun useon seonjeongdaesang-i doeji anh-eum
3) daesangsa-eob : 4gae sa-eob
- do nong-eobgigeum : nong-eochonjinheung-gigeum, chinhwangyeongnong-eob-yugseong-gigeum, nogsaegchugsan-yugseong-gigeum
- nong-eobjonghabjageum(nonghyeob daechul)
da. bojeung jogeon
1) bojeunghando
○ 1eog-won inae : gaeinsa-eobja
○ 2eog-won inae : beob-insa-eobja(nong-eoeobbeob-in, sigpumjejogagong-eobche deung)
2) bojeung jogeon
gu bun
5cheonman-won iha
5cheonman-won chogwa
bojeungsincheong-il hyeonjae gadong(yeong-eob)jung-e iss-eul geos
bojeungsincheong-il hyeonjae 6gaewol isang gadong(yeong-eob)jung-e iss-eulgeos
yeon che
choegeun 3gaewol-inae 10il-isang yeonche 4hoe ttoneun 30il isang gyesogdoen yeonchedaechulgeum boyusasil-i eobs-eul geos.
choegeun 3gaewol-inae 10il-isang yeonche 3hoe ttoneun 30il isang gyesogdoen yeonchedaegeum boyusasil-i eobs-eul geos.
handosajeong saenglyag
yeonganmaechul-aeg-ui 1/2 beom-wi inae
bo jeung lyo
1% gojeonglyoyul
1% gojeonglyoyul
100% jeon-aegbojeung
90% bubunbojeung
sincheong-geon poham unjeonjageumchaibgeum-i yeonganmaechul-aeg beom-wi inaeil geos
buchaebiyul jejo-eob 700%, gita-eobjong 500% miman-il geos(2eogmiman jeog-yongsaenglyag)
chongchaibgeum daebi jagijabonbiyul-i jejo-eob 500%, gita-eobjong 400% miman-il geos(2eogmiman jeog-yongsaenglyag)
la. sa-eobbi(bojeung-gyumo) baejeong mich sigun budamgeum hwagbo
○ sa-eob huimangja suyojosa gyeolgwa suyoga sigun baejeong-aeg boda midaldoen sigun-ui sa-eobbineun chogwadoen sigun-eulo sa-eobbileul habangie jojeong․jaebaejeong
○ do baejeong-aeg 100eog won-eun do sichaegsa-eob jung「eneojinongjangsa-eob」,「chinhwangyeongnong-eob-yugseong-gigeum」,「sinjisighagsanong-eob-in」jiwon-e chuhubyeoldo baejeong․ chujin
※nong-eochonjinheung-gigeum」sa-eob jung「sinjisighagsa-eoeob-in」,「sigpumgagong」,「jeoonjeojang-go」wa「nogsaegchugsan-yugseong-gigeum」jiwon daesang sa-eobjaneun sigun sa-eobbi(bojeungseo balgeub-aeg)eseo balgeubdaesang seonjeong․chujin
ma. chujin chegye
1) sa-eobsincheong sigi : yeon 2hoe(1wol, 7wol)
※ eneojinongjangsa-eob, chinhwangyeongnong-eob-yugseong-gigeumsa-eob, sinjisighagsanong-eob-in-eun byeoldo gyehoeg-e uigeo chujin
2) sa-eobchujin jeolcha
① sin-yongbojeung jiwon sa-eobgyehoegseo jagseong mich sincheongseo jagseong․jechul(gaeinsa-eobja, nong-eobbeob-insa-eobja, sigpum-eobche → eub․myeon․dong)
- sa-eobsincheongsi (seosig 3)ui sin-yongjeongboui jegong mich johoedong-uiseo jechul
② sincheongseo chwihab mich sincheong-gyeolgwa jechul(eub․myeon․dong → gun)
③ bojeungseo sincheong sa-eobja sajeon sin-yongjosa yocheong(gun → jeonnamsinbo)
- sin-yong bojeungseo balgeubsincheong daesangja myeongdan, sa-eobsincheongseo(sabon) mich sin-yongjeongboui jegong mich johoedong-uiseo songbu
④ bojeungseo balgeub sincheongja-e daehan sajeon sin-yongjosa silsi mich josagyeolgwa tongbo(jeonnamsinbo→sigun)
- jeonnamsinboneun sajeon sin-yongjosa silsi hu sin-yong
⑤ The applicant should submit the application documents to the provincial government by setting priorities for each city and province. <Policy Funds> (1) ○ The number of the members: about 10 persons (local government members, professors, agricultural and marine industries, organizations, public officials, etc.) ○ Constituent units: provincial units and municipal units ○ Facilities: Etc. ⑥ Screening criteria based on 8 criteria such as the scale of inspection including the farming scale (Form 5) ⑥ Composition of the city's own policy deliberation committee, ⑧ Guarantee Issuance (Jeonnam Shinbo → Business Applicant) ⑩ Loan Execution and Loan Situation Report (Agriculture, Fisheries Cooperation → Road) ⑪ Special Contribution Fund(In the case of Jeonnam Shinbo → Do) 3) Use within the organization of each business organization ○ Provide guidance and supervision of the project promotion ○ Review the application for guarantee and recommend the person to be guaranteed ○ Provide contribution to the assurance scale allocation and assurance agency ○ Review the project application ○ Provide application documents to the provinces according to the priorities of city and county ○ Business promotion guidance and business site management assurance agency by business operators (Jeonnam Shinbo) ○ Warranty consultation, credit investigation and warranty review ○ Issuance of guarantee and issuance situation Notice ○ Settlement of special contribution bar. ○ After confirming the abandonment of the project, it will be notified to the target person, immediately replaced with the reserve candidate, or after the new demand survey is conducted, the operator is confirmed. ○ Recommendation (City → State) ○ After issuance of the guarantee, Administrative matters 1) Provided Demand Survey ○ Demand Survey Period - 1st: 2012. 1. 1 ~ 2012. 2. 29.- 2nd: 2012. 7. 1 ~ 2012. 7. 31. ※ Energy farm business, ○ The applicant should submit a proposal for the project to be approved by the city or county, and the actual applicant should be recom- mended. ○ Promoting the introduction of major policies and measures ○ Promoting the participation of major policy makers in the guarantee system and actively promoting related farmers and businesses ○ Promoting the project implementation situation at any time, ○ It is possible to encourage competent young people to settle in rural areas and to contribute to the enhancement of competitiveness of agricultural and fishery food companies. ○ To ensure that the assurance agency appropriately supports the funds, the relevant documents must be submitted for the early review of the subjects to be excluded. ○ The assurance system is actively promoted so as to enhance the implementation of the farming and fishing village promotion fund ○ The project implementation situation is checked occasionally In the event of a problem (business abandonment, etc.), report it to the province and promote the effectiveness of the issuance of the certificate and the beneficiary to be benefited. 3) Business report and notification ○ The mayor and municipal government review the applicant application, (Form 10). In the province, after the deliberation of the council, the list of nominees (Form 7) is sent to Jeonnam Shinbo Notification, Jeonnam Shinbo notifies the city office after confirming the person to be issued a certificate (Form 8) ○ In the city, (6) and Jeonnam Shinbo (4) Notification of the issuance of warranty certificate and settlement of business expenses ○ Jeonnam Credit Guarantee Foundation submits the certificate issuance results quarterly ○ Report on the settlement of business expenses 28) (Form 10)
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